What Clients
Say About Us
What Clients Say About Us
We pride ourselves on personalized service and we know our clients appreciate it. See what some of them have to say about us.
We pride ourselves on personalized service and we know our clients appreciate it. See what some of them have to say about us.

You think it will only take 15 minutes to book a flight online, but two hours later you’re still looking at options.
I need a new thingy to plug into my whatchamacallit. Should I have a VPN on my computer? If so, which one is the best? With It’s Done, I sent an email and the tech specialist confirmed we needed a VPN and sent recommendations for the top three with pricing and download installation instructions.
— Al Nagy

Vision Cashiers, (VC) Inc began its financial and administrative history through the acquisition of another locally based nonprofit organization-Village Conservancy, Inc. As the first VC Treasurer and one of the founding board members, it was part of my responsibilities to establish the books and records of our organization.
I would not have been able to accomplish these initial tasks without the financial experience and team effort provided by Tammy Hale and her team at It’s Done, LLC. They were involved every step of the way in our early day’s initially supporting my CPA firm’s efforts in merging the predecessor organization records and later assuming full responsibility for day-to-day accounting. They also helped in designing and preparing my periodic reports to The Board as well as developing and maintaining specialized reports for various VC initiatives, contributions from individuals, family and corporate foundations.
Especially important to the continuing effectiveness of It’s Done and VC has been the ability to work virtually using available systems such as Intuit QuickBooks (on-line), work-sharing tools through Google, DropBox, Face Time, Zoom, PayPal, Schwab Bill Pay, Mail Chimp, etc.
The teamwork and accomplishments together with the professionalism of It’s Done made the three years of working together one of the most satisfying of my community service endeavors. — Robert E. Starkey, CPA, Treasurer and Board Director (2017-2019)

With It’s Done, we tell them the days we could travel and they send us options. Because they know the type of seat we prefer, our comfort level with layover times, and our willingness to adjust for the best price, they weed out the flights we’re not interested in and only send what we should consider. They’ll also check the flights for several weeks for the best fares. Once they make the reservation, we receive an itinerary with all our travel information in one place. — Linda Benge

Keeping track of all my accounts is a nuisance. With It’s Done, every business and personal transaction gets posted to multiple Excel or QuickBooks accounts and reconciled monthly with my bank statements. Then, I receive categorized income/expense reports, which we review for corrections or clarifications. It’s Done also works with my accountant to create readable tax filing data. — Russ Smith

You think it will only take 15 minutes to book a flight online, but two hours later you’re still looking at options.
I need a new thingy to plug into my whatchamacallit. Should I have a VPN on my computer? If so, which one is the best? With It’s Done, I sent an email and the tech specialist confirmed we needed a VPN and sent recommendations for the top three with pricing and download installation instructions.
— Al Nagy
Vision Cashiers, Inc. (VC) began its financial and administrative history through the acquisition of another locally based nonprofit organization-Village Conservancy, Inc. As the first VC Treasurer and one of the founding board members, it was part of my responsibilities to establish the books and records of our organization.
I would not have been able to accomplish these initial tasks without the financial experience and team effort provided by It’s Done, LLC. They were involved every step of the way in our early days initially supporting my CPA firm’s efforts in merging the predecessor organization records and later assuming full responsibility for day-to-day accounting. They also helped in designing and preparing my periodic reports to the board as well as developing and maintaining specialized reports for various VC initiatives, contributions from individuals, family and corporate foundations.
Especially important to the continuing effectiveness of It’s Done and VC has been the ability to work virtually using available systems such as Intuit QuickBooks, work-sharing tools through Google, DropBox, Zoom, Stripe, Schwab Bill Pay, Send in Blue, etc.
The teamwork and accomplishments together with the professionalism of It’s Done made the three years of working together one of the most satisfying of my community service endeavors. — Robert E. Starkey, C.P.A, Treasurer and Board Director (2017-2019)

With It’s Done, we tell them the days we could travel and they send us options. Because they know the type of seat we prefer, our comfort level with layover times, and our willingness to adjust for the best price, they weed out the flights we’re not interested in and only send what we should consider. They’ll also check the flights for several weeks for the best fares. Once they make the reservation, we receive an itinerary with all our travel information in one place. — Linda Benge
Keeping track of all my accounts is a nuisance. With It’s Done, every business and personal transaction gets posted to multiple Excel or QuickBooks accounts and reconciled monthly with my bank statements. Then, I receive categorized income/expense reports, which we review for corrections or clarifications. It’s Done also works with my accountant to create readable tax filing data. — Russ Smith